digital experiences

experiences leaving
a lasting

Our websites and apps are created by carefully analysing your business. We combine strategy, UX, visual designs and storytelling to deliver impactful solutions.
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We spend time researching your competitors and understand the landscape and industry you’re in while also defining your target audience. Our digital experience services are designed to seamlessly
integrate creativity with functionality, ensuring your online presence is not just a website or app but a dynamic platform that engages, informs, and converts visitors into loyal customers.
practical execution

Unique websites, digital experiences and native apps.

✱ 3-6 weeks lead time
✱ Discovery Workshop
✱ Competitor Analysis
✱ Persona Development
✱ User Journey Mapping
✱ Wireframing (UX)
✱ Prototyping
✱ Visual Design (UI)
✱ Content Integration
✱ Quality Assurance and Testing

Our Process
Our Digital process at Bloomr is designed with clarity and efficiency in mind, ensuring a straightforward journey that enables us to work together with precision and consistency by deliver fast results.
Kick Off Meeting
We initiate the process with a call to understand your business goals, target audience, and the specific outcomes you aim to achieve.
Discovery Phase
We dive into the essence of your product or service, analyse market trends and competitors. We will collect initial ideas and concepts. This research forms the foundation for our strategy and creative direction.
We will start designing your website pages or app screens by developing a cohesive visual language, including a colour palette, typography, custom illustrations/icons, imagery and a design system.
We present a comprehensive proposal and scope of work that outlines project objectives, timelines, and deliverables, ensuring transparency and alignment with your vision.
Informed by our in-depth research, we will craft a unique digital position, focusing on user personas, their journey, and the optimal interactions to create an experience that resonates with your audience. This will include delivering wireframes and a prototype that will be tested before finalising the designs.
We will hand off designs to your team including all the documentation of our research, and final designs. We will provide support to make sure our work will be implemented and developed correctly.